

Marc Martin

“Mon CRS” is about love and goes straight to the point. This is film about freedom could be taking place anytime. Having sought inspiration for its title in a light pop tune from the 1970s, Marc Martin intends to build bridges. For a long time, in France, cross-dressing was illegal and often punished by the law. As non-binary artist Othmane puts it, “Mon CRS” is both a revenge over the Vice Police of the time and a call for respect between the LGBTQI+ community and the police. Starring Othmane as the cabaret singer and Mathis Chevalier as the police officer. The box contains the booklet (228 pages) + the film (23'), French original version / English, French and German subtitles) and unpublished bonuses (98', OV).

Photographer Marc Martin's work brings to light the role played by appearances in the construction of prejudice. When he discovered three-time MMA champion Mathis Chevalier, he also felt concerned with broadening the field of vision in martial art. And he proudly promotes inclusion in areas that are still too often closed on this very issue. "My photographs weave a fantasy that often swims against the tide. They play with clichés in order to expose them. In Mathis' case, masculinity is not just a weight on his shoulders: it also helps him up. Othmane's femininity, on the other hand, creates mirror effects in the eyes of the audience and thus becomes a reflection of their common emancipation. In the often gloomy and exclusionary times we live in, I am happy for everyone who feels a beautiful and positive energy in Mon CRS," Marc Martin says. The booklet describes the making of the film: project, getting to know the protagonists and exploring playgrounds. A journey behind the scenes. It reveals the secrets surrounding the script, masculinity, and children's dreams of each of them. From the big screen to the small travel book, it reads openly and flexibly. A place of encounter between three individuals who come from worlds between which there are more bridges than one would have guessed.
ISBN 978-2-492311-04-8
Author Marc Martin
Print length 228 pages

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